I tried to search on the forum but I didn't get any answer. Any suggestion about this error.
includes/nukeSEO/nukeSEOfunctions.php 318 Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated
The error comes from this line.
Code:$client =& new xmlrpc_client('/version.php', 'nukeseo.com', 80);
I got more deprecate error from this function
Code:if ( !function_exists('seoGetCurrentVersion') )
function seoGetCurrentVersion ($p1, $debug=0) {
require_once ('includes/xmlrpc/xmlrpc.php');
$client =& new xmlrpc_client('/version.php', 'nukeseo.com', 80);
$client->return_type = 'xmlrpcvals';
$msg =& new xmlrpcmsg('script.getCurrentVersion');
$p1 =& new xmlrpcval($p1, 'string');
$res =& $client->send($msg, 0, '');
if ($res->faultcode()) return $res;
else return php_xmlrpc_decode($res->value());